NTU: Congress Should Urge IRS to Avoid Last-Minute Rulemaking

We, the undersigned free-market, pro-taxpayer organizations, urge you to call upon the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to refrain from implementing major controversial rulemakings, ill-founded legal doctrines, and other harsh tax enforcement policies in the final days of the Biden Administration.

The American people have spoken decisively through this election, and it is incumbent on the Treasury Department to ensure that the IRS reflects the values of fairness, neutrality, and respect for taxpayers. During this transition of political power in Washington, DC, the well-being of millions of taxpayers could be adversely harmed if sweeping, unprecedented IRS initiatives are allowed to take effect or continue in the absence of immediate congressional oversight. These include:

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Litigation Risk If Proposed Regulations (REG-124593-23 and REG-105128-23)Are Finalized In Their Present Form And If Forthcoming Proposed Regulations(Notice 2024-54) Are Issued and Finalized


RealClear Markets: The IRS's Dangerous Dance With Political Vendettas